Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Andy Warhol's Mom's Podcast

Just when you think you've seen everything, you trip across The Julia Zavacky Warhola Recordings. More than a podcast really, it's a mini-video, complete with lots of Warhol family photos and Julia singing the old country blues. And if you watch and listen, you'll discover that Andy Warhol, the man who claimed to be from nowhere, actually had roots like the rest of us.

Andy was extremely close to his mother, Julia, who had emigrated to the U.S. as a young woman. In fact, she was something of an artist herself, and if you look at her sketches of angels and the like, you can see the seeds of some of what Andy would create later.

I occasionally mention that I'm half-Carpatho-Rusyn -- and because that frequently produces blank stares, I often give Andy Warhol as a frame of reference. He was one of us. In fact, I recently went as far as to DNA test a Zavacky gentleman from Andy's mother's family to determine if they might be related to the Zavacky's who come from the same village as the Smolenyak's, but no -- no relation.

At any rate, if you've ever asked yourself, "What's a Rusyn?," this little podcast will give you a good sense. Props to Jerry Jumba for his efforts to catalog and transcribe these Warhol family treasures!


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