Friday, August 11, 2006

Another Soldier Comes Home

Some of you know that I'm part of the U.S. Army's Repatriation project to locate the families (next of kin and mtDNA donors) of soldiers still unaccounted for from WWII, Korea and Vietnam. I like to post here about soldiers who have been identified from these conflicts, and lately, there have been quite a few.

I just came across the latest announcement --
Soldier Missing in Action From the Korean War is Identified -- and learned that Cpl. Edward F. Blazejewski of Elizabeth, N.J., who lost his life in November 1950, has been identified and will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery today.

I recognized his name immediately because I had the pleasure of locating his family, and I'm delighted that Cpl. Blazejewski will finally receive the appropriate honors for his sacrifice. This, to me, is the meaning of "no man left behind."


At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Megan. That is what the true meaning of "no man left behind" means. The work you do to try to find the family members of the missing-in-action service people is fantastic.

But, after hearing you speak in Newport News, VA, I don't think that it is too much work...your enthusiasm and joy in making it work out is too much like play.

I just wanted you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed your DNA talk at the "TGS Gathering". I learned so much valuable information regarding DNA.

Thanks again. And be checking your mail...your mail, a package should be arriving for you in appreciation of our THANKS!!

Enjoy your family reunion in NJ.

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Megan Smolenyak Smolenyak said...

Hi Peggy,

Thanks very much for your kind note -- and yes, you're right. I can hardly call what I do "work"!

Thanks for joining us at the Tidewater Genealogical Society's DNA event. I had a blast!

And now you've got me curious about what's going to be showing up in my mail -- nothing like a good mystery!

Take care,


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